Your employer can then make the correct tax deductions from your pay and take you off emergency tax. If appropriate, your employer may also refund any tax or USC that was over-deducted. You will continue to be taxed on an emergency basis until your employer receives an RPN for you. To ensure that you don’t miss out, we’ve listed exactly what tax credits you can claim for in a this blog post. Get your money back. If you are unsure how to get claim tax back on expenses you have incurred, contact our team of tax experts at Irish Tax Rebates. We advise on tax relief applicable to your expenses and help you to get your money back in a matter of weeks. Yes, you can still claim back overpaid emergency tax if the tax year is over as a Tax Refund. You can make an application to the tax office directly, use an accountant, or use the specialist services of a Tax Refund Agent.